App Marketing
If you upload your App to App Store today, your app will be one of 1.000,000 Apps already there. Right promotion strategy is vital; otherwise your app has nearly the same chances to be noticed as you are likely to accidentally meet a friend in a city like Naples (Italy), Cologne (Germany) or Stockholm (Sweden) – all those cities have population figures around and above 1.000,000.
Does not look very promising, does it?
App Agency has strong connections with lots of developers and publishers – we know the best ways, especially in gaining attention and selling apps. We can help you get noticed (and much more).
New: With our new partner we can provide Marketing-Services also in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Italy, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, Turrkey, India, Japan, Hongkong, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Singaporte, Australia, New Zealand. With a userbase of 14 million active users in these countries we can guarantee a Top 25 position within only one day. Ask us for references and prices.
Below there is a list of sample packages to choose from; all packages are country dependant and the current list provided is for Germany.
Please note that all services can be provided separately, but we have arranged them into groups for your convenience (certain services complement each other to achieve the best results).
Alle prices below do not include VAT.
Package S: A Taster
Our Package S is designed for all developers and publishers, who need help in kick-starting their App
- Presentation text for your App in App Store
- Review of your App on two of our Review Pages, including with 20 to 30k readers a day.
- Facebook and Twitter included
Price: £1999
Package M: Solution for Starters
Kick-Start your App with:
- A Press-Release;
- Presentation text for your App in App Store;
- Email Press-Service for related Media and Blogs;
- One-off usage of our distribution list;
- App review on two of our own review pages, including;
- 30min call-in consultation.
Price: £2999
Package L: Standard
Kick-start your App and maintain it with:
- 2 Press Releases
- Presentation text for your App in App Store;
- Use of selected Online Press Centers
- Distribution of your Press Release to Blogs and related Media
- Enhancing our distribution list with related media
- Review on 2 of our review pages, including
- 60min consultation by phone
Preis: £4,999
Package XL: Professional (most booked package)
All-round package with further support, including:
- 3 Press Releases
- One Press Service for 3200 newspapers in Germany (1,000,000 circulation within one year guaranteed; can be raised up to 15,000,000 on special request)
- Presentation text for your App in App Store;
- App Test with Report
- Distribution of your press release to Blogs, news pages and relevant Media
- Usage of Online Press centers
- Enhancement of our distribution list for your App
- Review on up to three of our European App review websites, including
- Help with building up a Facebook page for your App
- Monthly Facebook Activities
- Ready-to-use design for your App homepage
- Up to 8 hours consultation at your premises in London (UK) or Hanover (Germany);
- Further advice by telephone during the contract term.
Prices from: initial payment of £9,999 with further payments of £2,500/month for the length of the contract (subject to minimum term of 6 months).
Package Custom
Custom package is developed to fit all your requirements and tailored to your needs. It is more a complete marketing/PR plan for your app rather than a promotion strategy. Please contact us to discuss it further.
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