Our Clients
At this page you’ll find some of our clients.
Linguatec, Munich, Germany
Linguatec is Germany’s leading supplier of language technology applications for the office. They contacted us before they made their first step into the App Store with LinguaDict, followed by Voice Reader Text to Speech, Voice Reader Web and SmartDict Dictionary English and SmartDict Wörterbuch Deutsch. App Agency was selected to assist in all stages of the process from the initial idea to final success in the pespective category in Apple’s App Store. Our involvement includes testing, editing and marketing of the apps.
SKOUT, Inc, United States
SKOUT is a leading publisher of Dating- and Social-Network-Apps for iOS and Android. With their location based functionality and millions of users worldwide their Apps belong to the most downloaded and used Apps in the App stores. App Agency was selected for a campaign to improve the download-figures for the social-network app SKOUT in Germany. Our concept includes media releases, reviews and a reward for new users of the App.
SIMOPT, Tabor, Czech Republic
Czech App Publisher SIMOPT started in App Store with the Alkohol Promille Rechner and BAC Alcohol Calculator. App Agency was selected to guide through the active publishing process to help the apps to rocketstart. We managed to place the app on first place in entire App Store for Germany, after having the app leading the category for weeks. For their App Agility City we provided several services to raise the downloads in several countries.
SWS Lernsysteme, Germany
German App Publisher Josef Karl developed a databaseframe which he uses for several educational apps. Having 35 Apps on offer, he was not satisfied with the download-figures and came to App Agency for a consultation. We offered him a plan to be more visible with his apps, which we are now working on successfully. He is now in the German App Store Charts with several of his Apps – best Chart-Position was first in Education-Apps.
Taxi Deutschland, Germany
Taxi Deutschland is an App which allows you to order a taxi in all over Germany very easy and with comfort. Connected with plenty local taxi-firms the App stands out in its easy handling and reliability. Via their PR-Agency Aufgesang Public Relations they contacted us for a consultation and help with their PR-Plan to raise marketshare of the App in Germany. We are providing several services, including presentation-text in the App Store, help-texts and generating attention on a regular basis. The App – in a very competitive market – is doing much better now. But there is still a way ahead…
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