App Consulting

Having tested and reviewed more than 10,000 apps, our team can provide a valuable insight in all stages of the process, from the very idea to publishing your app. We look at and see apps through eyes of the user (your customer); this means we bring in external (although professional) opinion which helps you to better foresee demands and meet expectations of your future customers.

You can use our expertise at every step of app publishing process. We can be that “final assurance” that your app is really ready to be published, or we can work with you from the very start of app development process. We also advice on handling customer feedback and first updates, in case the app has already been published.

One thing is certain – whichever stage we step in, we would do everything we can to make your app successful. We want users to love your app, use it on a regular basis and recommend it to others.

But that also means we will always be frank and tell you the truth, even if you do not like it. That’s what consultants are for – there’s no point to hire a consultant who just praises everything you throw his/her way. We take pride in our honesty – it is, has always been and will remain our way of business.

When you decide to use our expertise, there are several options to choose from:

  • We can discuss the problem with you over the telephone (we use the word “problem” here because this type of service is mostly used to address urgent issues, when there is no time to set up a face-to-face meeting);
  • We can conduct a meeting (up to the whole day) to address specific issues and answer questions about your app (meeting in person has proved to be the most effective way to get the best results; it also saves you time and reduces chances of miscommunication);
  • We can help you with a particular stage of app publishing, e.g. idea generation or app promotion;
  • We can guide you through the whole process, from generating the idea to a well presented and maintained app in App Store.
